
Wednesday 8 March 2017

Episode 233 ~ In Which There’s Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows

Show Notes:

Intro -
~Welcome new members who've introduced themselves in our Ravelry Group

On the Needles -
Dami -
~wonder woman socks on US1.5 (2.5mm), Gnome Acres House Gnome in the Wonder Woman colourway

C.C. -
~When you think I'll zig, I'll zag. Then when you think I'm gonna zag, I do zag, just to mess you up for the next time, when I might zig Blanket on US4 (3.5mm), See project page for colourways used

~Steampunk Hot Chocolate Socks on US 1.5 (2.5 mm), Pandia's Jewels Hand Dyed Yarn Snug in the Hot Cocoa with Pink Marshmallows colourway & Rusty Ferret Yarns RF Quadrupole in the Steampunk colourway

~Inner Peace on US4 (3.5mm), Chandlers Superwash BFL 4-Ply in a Purple & Pink colourway

Finished Projects -
Dami -
~crushed socks on US1.5 (2.5mm), The Captain & Lovely in the Crushed colourway

C.C. -
~Dami's DNA Cat Hat on US 10.5 (6.5 mm), Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky in the Crush colourway

~C.C.’s Cat Hat on US6 (4mm) & US8 (5mm), Knitting in France Sparkles in the Something About C.C. colourway

~2017 Preemie Hat #10 on US6 (4mm), Knit Picks Wool of the Andes Bulky in the Crush colourway & Unknown Purple Yarn

~Dami's Shortie Salt Water Taffy Socks on US 1.5 (2.5 mm), A Homespun House Plump Merino in the Salt Water Taffy colourway

Yummies (our current favourite things) -
~Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows

~Parcel from Jilly (veganjilly)

~GGK Crafty Photo A Day Challenge - #GGKCraftyPAD - details for March here

~Upcoming Events We'll Be Attending
~Edinburgh Yarn Festival - Friday, 10-March-2017 and Saturday, 11-March-2017

Details about the #BlackerPODKAL from Knit British
Our #GGKCRAFTYPAD prompt will be #GGKEYFfun
Our Booth number is G9

What We're Watching, Reading, + Listening To -
Please be aware that we do discuss recent tv show episodes that have aired in the last week or so. This is your spoiler warning!

~Les Miserables by Victor Hugo - Dami is reading

~Grace, Not Perfection: Celebrating Simplicity, Embracing Joy by Emily Ley - C.C. finished reading

~You Are Free: Be Who You Already Are by Rebekah Lyons - C.C. is reading

~The All Souls Real-Time Reading Companion by Deborah Harkness - C.C. is rereading Shadow of Night in real-time

~Jinx Hamilton Mystery Series by Juliette Harper - C.C. finished reading Books 5-6 & Christmas in the Valley novella

~The Cruelest Month (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache #3) by Louise Penny - C.C. finished reading

~A Throne of Fire (A Shade of Vampire #40) by Bella Forrest - C.C. is reading

~Movies - Doctor Strange | Inferno

~Matlock - rewatching Season 3

~Eureka - finished rewatching Season 1 & rewatching Season 2

~LOST - rewatching Season 4

~Broadchurch - watching Series 3

~Criminal Minds - watching Season 12

~Supernatural - Season 12

~The Blacklist: Redemption - watching

~Colony - watching Season 2

~Grimm - watching Season 6

~NCIS: LA - watching Season 8

~Elementary - watching Season 5

~Call the Midwife - watching Series 6

March/April/May Sheepy Spring KAL -

*Runs from 1-March through 31-May

*Details - any project you knit/crochet/weave/spin that you can convince us relates to spring

*No WIPS - Your project must be begun no earlier than 1-March and finished no later than 31-May

*Feel free to poly-dip in other KALs as long as it fits in with other rules

*Prizes: If you’d like to donate one, PM JavaPurl or Email us at

a set of 6 sheep stitch markers from Ann Tudor

3 skeins of Fiberlady Makicot in the Relaxing colorway (donated by Jilly)

Fantasea yarn + Blue Seas stitch markers from Gothika Yarnz on Etsy (donated by Danielle)

Blue tulip stitch markers from Knitting in France on Etsy (donated by Bogga)

3-in-1 Special Needle Charm & Stitch holder (from us)

Gnome Acres Keyskein + Susan Bates finishing needles (donated by Kelly)

a skein of yarn of the winner’s choice from NapiersKnits on Etsy

*Each project you finish and post counts as 1 entry into the giveaway

*Must be a member of the Geeky Girls Knit Podcast group on Ravelry to participate

*Must post a photo of your finished project in the Ravelry thread for Sheepy Spring KAL **FO Thread** (2017) & tag your project page with the following tag #GGKSS17

*Thread will be locked the morning of 1-June and winner(s) drawn on the next podcast following that

*For any and all giveaways, prizes, competitions, KALs, etc. that we host, the winner(s) have 30 days from the date of announcement (the date the podcast episode in which the winner was announced goes live) to contact us to claim their prize or it will be forfeited. If this occurs, the prize will be used for another giveaway at our discretion. Thanks for understanding!

*There is a There is a Sheepy Spring KAL Chatter Thread on Ravelry so we can encourage each other along the way.

For the Love of Socks KAL -

*Details - any finished sock project (the project must include 2 socks aka a pair of socks to be eligible)

*All the details about points and posting in the FO thread are talked about in Episode 227 at 40:28

*General Points - Baby/Toddler Socks - 1 point | Child Socks - 2 points | Teen/Adult Shortie Socks - 3 points | Teen/Adult Mid-Calf Socks - 5 points | Teen/Adult Knee High Socks - 7 points

*WIPS are allowed. However you must have no more than 50% of the project complete before the KAL begins on 1-February. (That means only 1 sock complete or if you are knitting 2 at a time, you may knit through the heels.) WIPs will only receive half the number of points as non-WIPs do. That means Baby/Toddler Socks will earn 0.5 point, Child Socks will earn 1 point, Teen/Adult Shortie Socks will earn 1.5 points, Teen/Adult Mid-Calf Socks will earn 2.5 points, and Teen/Adult Knee High Socks will earn 3.5 points.

*JavaPurl Designs Bonus - If you knit any JavaPurl Designs sock pattern, you will receive 2 bonus points.

*Sponsors Bonus - If you knit with any of our sponsors’ products (project bag, yarn, pattern, stitch markers), you will receive 1 bonus point per sponsor. You must post photographic proof of you using the sponsors’ product. You may only use each product once for the KAL. However, if you have more than one product (such as a different project bag or a different skein of yarn or a different pattern), you may use another product by the same sponsor.

~Deranged Dyeworks - 15% off with the coupon code JAVAPURL15

~Dove Dye Works - 20% off on orders $15+ with the coupon code GGKKAL through the end of March

~Punkin97 Designs - 25% off with the coupon code GGK2017 & prize donor

~Skileyknits Fiber Arts - 15% off with the coupon code GGK15

~Spinner’s End Studio - prize donor

~Stitching Plaza - 15% discount on orders $20+ with the coupon code loveofsocks

~Suburban Stitcher - prize donor

~Tailored--Knits That Fit - prize donor

*Yardage Bonus - You will keep a running total of your yardage in your FO post. For every 250 yards knit (cumulative over all your projects), you will receive 2 bonus points. If you complete a WIP, only the yardage knit beginning 1-February will count in your cumulative yardage total.

*Feel free to poly-dip in other KALs as long as it fits in with other rules

*Prizes: If you’d like to donate one, PM JavaPurl or Email us at

Grand Prize - Jibbyroo Sews project bag, The Captain and Lovely Anarchy yarn, & coffee stickers from Lou (thevfb)

Grand Prize - KnitPro Karbonz 15cm sock dpns & WYS yarn (Sig 4ply in the Rum Paradise colorway) (from us)

Sirdar Heart & Sole in the Super Trooper colorway from Lou (thevfb)

Gnome Acres Doppelganger set (“Gnome on the Range” 460 yards and”Wildflowers” 300 yards) from Jilly (veganjilly)

any single pattern from JavaPurl Designs Ravelry store from Jilly (veganjilly)

Tangerine Designs TARDIS project bag and notions tin from Kelly (KellyChron)

Cat stitch markers from Ann Tudor

Wolf Moon + Dark Princess sets of stitch markers from Gothika Yarnz

Exploding Kittens (from us)

Project Bag of the winner’s choice from Joy (knitnick) of Spinner’s End Studio

Stitch Marker Set (winner’s choice) from Natalie (ncdeanda) from Tailored--Knits That Fit

A skein of Suburban Stitcher Sock Yarn in the Rainbowalong2017 colourway & 10 locking stitch markers from Dianne (dbbstitch) from Suburban Stitcher

A copy of Norman's Socks pattern by Punkin97 Designs by Erinn (Punkin97)

*Each point will be 1 entry into the prize giveaways.

*There will be 1 prize for the person with the highest number of points, 1 prize for the person who knits the highest amount of yardage, and the remainder of the prizes will be chosen using a random number generator. Each participant may only win 1 prize.

*Must be a member of the Geeky Girls Knit Podcast group on Ravelry to participate

*When you complete your first project, start a post in the FO thread (which will go live on 1-February) with a photo of your FO. For each subsequent project, edit your post and add the new item with a photo. One post per person please. See the example post in the FO thread for how to post.

*You will be responsible for updating your FO post with your finished projects as well as your running point total & your cumulative yardage total. If you do not add something to your totals, we will not add it for you. If you have any questions about how to post something, PM Dami damisdoodles & she will be able to assist you.

*Tag #GGKLoveofSocksKAL

*Thread will be locked the morning of 1-April and winner(s) drawn on the next podcast following that

*For any and all giveaways, prizes, competitions, KALs, etc. that we host, the winner(s) have 30 days from the date of announcement (the date the podcast episode in which the winner was announced goes live) to contact us to claim their prize or it will be forfeited. If this occurs, the prize will be used for another giveaway at our discretion. Thanks for understanding!

*There is a For the Love of Socks KAL Chatter Thread on Ravelry so we can encourage each other along the way.

Ask the Geeky Girls -
Jenn (knitwitt75) from Washington asks:
Hi ladies! I really enjoy the updates on what you are reading and watching. How do you guys typically read? books, ebook or listen to audio? I have been trying to listen to audiobooks while I knit...two birds one stone thing, but I tend to get distracted compared to when I’m reading an actual book. do either of you have a “schedule”, reading time each day, knitting time??? Thank you for letting me obsess over your reading / knitting time lol.

Review/Giveaway -

A Garden of Shawls by Karen Whooley - a new book filled with 12 delightful lace crochet shawl patterns perfect for spring! The official release date is April 4, 2017 but the fun starts March 1, 2017 with pre-orders and giveaways! Pre-order here.

We're giving away 1 eBook copy of the book in our Ravelry group ~ Geeky Girls Knit Podcast.

Misc. -

~Support the Podcast, Become A Patron

~Want another way to help support our podcast? Throughout our website, links to books, tv shows, movies, etc. are Amazon Affiliate Links. We receive a portion of what you spend when you click through our website to shop on Amazon. What we receive helps us with the costs associated with producing this podcast as well as with prizes & shipping for giveaways. Thanks in advance for your support!

If you are in the UK, please click this link,, or the banner below to shop:

~For any and all giveaways, prizes, competitions, KALs, etc. that we host, the winner(s) have 30 days from the date of announcement (the date the podcast episode in which the winner was announced goes live) to contact us to claim their prize or it will be forfeited. If this occurs, the prize will be used for another giveaway at our discretion. Thanks for understanding!

Find Us Online -
C.C. -
~ on Ravelry as JavaPurl
~ on Twitter as cc_almon
~ on Fitbit as user 2F8K2V
~ on Instagram as cc_almon

Dami -
~ on Ravelry as damisdoodles
~ on Twitter as damisdoodles
~ on Fitbit as user 2Y8TJC
~ on Instagram as damisdoodles

JavaPurl Designs
~ C.C.'s Knitting Designs on Ravelry
~ Dami's Knitting Designs on Ravelry
~ JavaPurl Designs website

Geeky Girls Knit -
~ our Ravelry group ~ Geeky Girls Knit Podcast
~ our Facebook page
~ email us:
~ on iTunes
~ on YouTube
~ Support the Podcast, Become a Patron

Until next time,
Happy Knitting!