Sunday, 23 February 2014

March 2014 Crafty Photo A Day Challenge

It was so fun having the theme of Alphabet Soup for our February Crafty Photo A Day Challenge, so we thought we'd go with another theme this month, that is COLOURS! Without further ado, here are the prompts for March 2014:

So, how can you participate???? Well, there are actually several ways:
INSTAGRAM - Honestly, Instagram will be the primary arena for participating in this challenge. Simply take your photo, add a caption to it, tag it with the hashtag #GGKCraftyPAD and share it. By adding the hashtag #GGKCraftyPAD , others who are participating will be able to see the pictures that have been shared for the daily prompts. C.C. is on Instagram as cc_almon & Damaris is on Instagram as d_isabitweird so make sure to friend them if you haven't already.

RAVELRY - In our Ravelry group ~ Geeky Girls Knit Podcast, there will be a monthly thread where you can share your photos.

TWITTER - You can also share on Twitter by taking a photo and uploading it to Twitter along with the hashtag #GGKCraftyPAD . Follow us on Twitter as geekygirlsknit.

FACEBOOK - Feel free to share with your friends on your own Facebook profile page or on the Geeky Girls Knit Facebook page.

OTHER PLACES - Feel free to share your photos other places like your own blog, Tumblr, Flickr, etc. Be creative and then tell us about it! :-)

How will you remember what the daily prompts are???? Again, there are several ways:
~Save the image above to your phone or your computer and check it daily. Maybe even make it your wallpaper.
~Bookmark this post in your web browser and come back daily for the next prompt.
~Save this monthly Google Calendar as a bookmark in your web browser or even add the Google Calendar to your own Google Calendars.
~Follow us on Instagram as cc_almon, on Instagram as d_isabitweird and/or on Twitter as geekygirlsknit as we'll be posting the prompt for that day at some point during the day.

Most of all, we just want to encourage you to be creative. We hope this is as fun for yall as it is for us!!! Can't wait to see your photos!

And don't forget, each week, we will choose our 5 favorite photos from Instagram and they will be shared in the podcast and show notes for the podcast following that prompt. There are so many great photos and we can't pick all of them, but we love looking at everyone's!

Until next time,
Happy Knitting!