Tuesday 26 January 2021

February 2021 Crafty Photo A Day Challenge

It's once again time for the Alphabet Soup version of #GGKCraftyPAD! Here comes the prompts list for February 2021 Geeky Girls Knit Crafty Photo A Day Challenge.

So, how can you participate????
INSTAGRAM - Instagram is the primary arena for participating in this challenge. Simply take your photo, add a caption to it, tag it with the hashtag #GGKCraftyPAD and share it. By adding the hashtag #GGKCraftyPAD , others who are participating will be able to see the pictures that have been shared for the daily prompts. C.C. is on Instagram as CC_JavaPurl & Dami is on Instagram as damisdoodles so make sure to follow them if you haven't already.

How will you remember what the daily prompts are???? Again, there are several ways:
~Save the image above to your phone or your computer and check it daily. Maybe even make it your wallpaper.
~Bookmark this post in your web browser and come back daily for the next prompt.
~Save this monthly Google Calendar as a bookmark in your web browser or even add the Google Calendar to your own Google Calendars.
~Follow us on Instagram as CC_JavaPurl & on Instagram as damisdoodles as we'll be posting the prompt for that day at some point during the day.

Most of all, we just want to encourage you to be creative. We hope this is as fun for yall as it is for us!!! Can't wait to see your photos!

And don't forget, each week, we will choose our 5 favourite photos from Instagram and they will be shared in the podcast / FlossTube and show notes for the podcast following that prompt. There are so many great photos and we can't pick all of them, but we love looking at everyone's!

~Support the Podcast, Become A Patron

~Support the Podcast, Join us on YouTube

Each week, we create a list on Bookshop of all the books we talk about in that week's episode. Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores. If you purchase a book from our list, we earn a commission & local, independent bookstores also earn money from your purchase.

~Want another way to help support our podcast? Throughout our website, links to books, tv shows, movies, etc. are Amazon Affiliate Links. We receive a portion of what you spend when you click through our website to shop on Amazon. What we receive helps us with the costs associated with producing this podcast as well as with prizes & shipping for giveaways. Thanks in advance for your support!

If you are in the UK, please click this link, Amazon.co.uk, or the banner below to shop:

If you are in Canada, please click this link, Amazon.ca or the banner below to shop:

~For any and all giveaways, prizes, competitions, ALs, etc. that we host, the winner(s) have 30 days from the date of announcement (the date the podcast episode in which the winner was announced goes live) to contact us to claim their prize or it will be forfeited. If this occurs, the prize will be used for another giveaway at our discretion. Thanks for understanding!

Find Us Online -
C.C. - (she/her)
~ on Instagram as CC_JavaPurl

Dami - (they/them)
~ on Instagram as damisdoodles

Pink Purl -
~on Instagram as pinkiepurl

JavaPurl Designs
~ JavaPurl Designs website

~ our Facebook group ~ GGKCS Podcast / FlossTube
~ our Facebook page
~ email us: ggkcspodcast@gmail.com
~ on Apple Podcasts
~ on YouTube
~ Support the Podcast, Become a Patron

Until next time,